Blistering Barbecues: Sauces, Salsas & Marinades

Blistering Barbecues: Sauces, Salsas & Marinades is a perfect till-point book for the summer months (sister edition Blistering Barbecues: Burgers, Wraps & Kebabs is being published simultaneously). This essential collection of brilliant recipes for sauces, salsas and marinades brings the United Nations of flavours together in a way in which only the team from Blistering can do. Inspirational, achievable and utterly delicious, these basics of outdoor cooking (and indoors come to that) provide the al fresco cook with all the basic ammunition needed to produce fantastic, flavoursome food for the grill. Basic foundation recipes from the best in the business.

Kate Weatherell and Nigel Tunnicliff are the authors of the bestselling barbecue book, Blistering Barbecues. Hailed on first publication as the definitive book on the subject of cooking outdoors, the book proved to be a hit both at home and abroad. Nigel Tunnicliff is the co-owner of the world-renowned barbecue and catering company, Blistering Barbecues. Kate Weatherell is an established cookery writer and author of Sugar & Spice.

Blistering Barbecues: Burgers, Wraps & Kebabs

Blistering Barbecues: Burgers, Wraps & Kebabs is a perfect till-point book for the summer months (sister edition Blistering Barbecues: Sauces, Salsas & Marinades is being published simultaneously). These are brilliantly delicious recipes for great barbecue favourites. What the Blistering team do so well is transform the mundane into the extraordinary; they do so through an innovative use of flavours and
combinations, put together with style and punch. This is party food at its best from a team who have catered for over 4,000 hungry guests and who know exactly how to satisfy each and every eager tastebud.

Kate Weatherell and Nigel Tunnicliff are the authors of the bestselling barbecue book, Blistering Barbecues. Hailed on first publication as the definitive book on the subject of cooking outdoors, the book proved to be a hit both at home and abroad. Nigel Tunnicliff is the co-owner of the world-renowned barbecue and catering company, Blistering Barbecues. Kate Weatherell is an established cookery writer and author of Sugar & Spice.

The Little Book of Olive Oil Tips

Learn how to appreciate the colour, aromas and tastes of olive oil. Safeguard your bottles from light and heat. Create amazing aioli, the greatest gazpacho, the perfect pasta dish and magnificently moist cakes (marvellous marinades and delectable dressings too).
There are useful notes on how to flavour your oils, and some skin-soft solutions to help with shaving and moisturising. A great and glossy collection of tips.

Andrew Langley is the author of more than a hundred different food and drink books.

Aga Year

Aga Year is the most ambitious Aga cookery book yet published, with more than 250 new previously unpublished recipes, in a day by day format – 365 recipes to fill the Aga owner’s year. It celebrates all that is best about British produce through a wonderful collection which follows the ever-changing moods of the year. Louise Walker, whilst never a slave to the seasons, is aware and respectful of the bounties that each has to offer, and the recipes sit beside invaluable cook’s notes and seasonal observations. This is a book that offers something perfect for every occasion and for every time of year. Beautiful food photography by Cristian Barnett completes the fullest and soon-to-be most trusted Aga cookery book around.

Louise Walker is the doyenne of Aga cookery (the Yorkshire Post called her ‘the Delia Smith of the Aga’). Her 9 books have sold over 250,000 copies in the UK and still continue to grace the shelves of bookshops all over the country. Her Traditional Aga series of books, with titles featuring Baking, Slow Cooking, Party entertaining, Four Seasons and Christmas amongst others, have established her as the Aga owner’s favourite writer.

The Little Book of Vinegar Tips

The Little Book of Vinegar Tips contains notes on how to transform wines, rice, fruit and herbs into bases and dressings for a variety of dishes. There are make-your-own masterclasses and advice aplenty on the pleasures of pickling and the joys of chutney. Beyond great food ideas, there are solutions for a life free of limescale, dishwasher maintenance and fridge deoderisation. A vial of vinegary wonders!

Andrew Langley is the author of more than a hundred different food and drink books.

The Lyle’s Golden Syrup Cookbook

Paul Hartley coaxes, crafts and conjures 40 stunning sweet-tinged dishes from this golden kitchen elixir, the iconic store-cupboard staple loved by pancake flippers the world over. This is a wonderful selection of sweet and savoury treats which reflects the true versatility of this slow-flowing family favourite. Vintage archive images, together with a gloop of trivial tales, syrup specifics and magical moments from a glittering 125-year history, gild this very fine recipe collection.

Paul Hartley is the author of The Marmite Cookbook, The Lea & Perrins Cookbook, The Colman’s Mustard Cookbook, The Heinz Tomato Ketchup Cookbook and The HP Sauce Cookbook. He is a gifted food writer and a talented chef. In a past life he has run European-style caf-bars in London and an award-winning country pub in deepest Somer