The first part of an extraordinary two-volume work from two-Michelin-star chef, Philip Howard. Regarded amongst his peers as one of the world’s great chefs, his lifetime of dedication and creativity have gone into writing a monumental two-volume work of culinary creativity and technical expertise. This first volume covers Howard’s savoury recipes, giving precise instructions on how to create food of top Michelin standard. Meticulous, detailed and fiercely intelligent, this is a book that will set the benchmark for works of the highest culinary ambition. From ‘Lasagne of Crab with a Cappuccino of Shellfish and a Champagne Foam’ to ‘Braised Veal Cheek with Hand-rolled Macaroni, Cauliflower and Truffle’, here are more than 100 in-depth savoury recipes, each beautifully recorded by award-winning photographer Jean Cazals, which showcase Howard’s incredible gift. Volume 2 (Sweet) will follow in June 2013.
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